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What Are the Consequences of a DWI Conviction in Louisiana?

A DWI is a serious charge, as the penalties can include steep fines and jail time if convicted. You will also likely get your driver’s license suspended for anywhere from months to years, depending on how many DWIs you’ve been convicted of in the past. If you were charged with a DWI in Louisiana, it’s […]

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What is Drug Conspiracy and How is it Punished in Louisiana?

A drug conspiracy is a plan between two or more people to violate drug laws. This could involve planning to buy, manufacture, or traffic a controlled substance with the help of someone else. If you’re caught conspiring to commit a drug crime in Louisiana, you will face a drug conspiracy charge, even if you never

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What Are the Collateral Consequences of a Sex Crime Conviction in Louisiana?

If you’ve been charged with a sex crime in Louisiana, you likely already know what legal penalties you face if convicted. Depending on the specific offense, these penalties likely include time in prison and major fines. But that’s just the beginning of the penalties to expect from a sex crime conviction. There are also collateral

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The Difference Between DWI and DUI in Louisiana: Understanding the Terminology

DWI and DUI are two terms that people often use when talking about driving while impaired. In some states, they have slightly different meanings. But in Louisiana, they are considered the same charge. DWI stands for driving while intoxicated, while DUI means driving under the influence. Though the terms are interchangeable, this state uses DWI

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Exploring Louisiana’s Field Sobriety Tests: Accuracy and Effectiveness

If a police officer suspects you’re driving under the influence of alcohol, they might ask you to complete some field sobriety tests. These are supposed to test your balance and coordination to determine if you could be too drunk to drive. The first detail to know about these tests is that they’re not required, so

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What Should You Do if You Are Accused of Negligent Homicide in Louisiana?

Negligent homicide is one of the five types of homicide charges in Louisiana. If you’ve been charged with this crime, you’re being accused of killing someone, which is among the most serious charges you can face in criminal court. As such, you should hire a criminal defense attorney immediately to defend yourself from a homicide

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The Law On Home Invasions And Similar Charges In Monroe

A person’s home should be their castle, and the place where they, their family, and personal belongings are safe. Unfortunately, robberies and home invasions do occur and in the Pelican State, these criminal offenses are taken very seriously. The Louisiana statutes do specifically outline the offense of home invasion, but there are similar offenses that

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