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What Is The Difference Between Robbery And Burglary In Ouachita Parish?

People often think that robbery and burglary are the same offense, but they are two very different crimes in Ouachita Parish, and throughout Louisiana. Not only are the two offenses different, but there are also different types of both burglary and robbery. Likewise, there are also different penalties depending on the charge a person faces,

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Drug Dealing Vs. Drug Trafficking: What Is The Difference?

Drug crimes in Monroe encompass a number of different offenses. When many people think of drug crimes, they often first think of possession. However, there are many drug-related crimes that have their own definitions, and their own associated penalties when a person is convicted of them. Depending on the type of drug offense you have

Drug Dealing Vs. Drug Trafficking: What Is The Difference? Read More »

Understanding Burglary Charges In Ouachita Parish

Burglary charges are some of the most common in Ouachita Parish, but they are also largely misunderstood. Louisiana law recognizes different types of burglary and the penalties for a conviction will vary depending on the type of charge and the facts of the case. Below, our Ouachita Parish felony defense lawyer breaks down the different

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