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The Difference Between DWI and DUI in Louisiana: Understanding the Terminology

May 12, 2023

DWI and DUI are two terms that people often use when talking about driving while impaired. In some s...

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Exploring Louisiana’s Field Sobriety Tests: Accuracy and Effectiveness

May 11, 2023

If a police officer suspects you're driving under the influence of alcohol, they might ask you to co...

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What Should You Do if You Are Accused of Negligent Homicide in Louisiana?

May 10, 2023

Negligent homicide is one of the five types of homicide charges in Louisiana. If you've been charged...

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The Law On Home Invasions And Similar Charges In Monroe

May 09, 2023

A person’s home should be their castle, and the place where they, their family, and personal belon...

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Are Drug-sniffing Dogs In Louisiana Accurate?

May 08, 2023

Law enforcement agencies use dogs for a number of reasons. They sometimes use them to track down cri...

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What Is The Stand Your Ground Law In Louisiana?

Apr 19, 2023

In the majority of cases, the use of violence is against the law in Louisiana. However, there are ce...

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Assault Vs. Battery: What Is The Difference?

Apr 18, 2023

Assault and battery are both potentially violent crimes in Monroe, and throughout Louisiana. Either ...

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Understanding Administrative Hearings After A Dwi Charge

Apr 05, 2023

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you may not be famili...

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Understanding Bail Bonds

Apr 05, 2023

After being arrested, you may be placed in jail for a number of hours, days, or even weeks. If the p...

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